My Christian Supernatural Life Blog

Recent Posts:

240601 Family did not let me know God

240513 Are you afraid of me

240429 Lyrics inspired by Faith

240421 Keep Jesus in their hearts

240414 Why didn't God make this a perfect world

240412 Kyrie Eleison

240408 Beware of false paths, false gods

240319 I asked; the Lord answered

240308 Spiritual vs. Religious

240229 Is the lack of Faith worth the gamble

240223 I usually avoid talking about evil

240218 Right place, right time

240124 Make Room for Christ

231126 The Key to the book is Jesus

230602 The Strength of Faith from the words of Jesus

230222 Almost killed; God saved us!

230216 God has a plan for us

221210 Never Practice an Old Life when Bended at the Knee

221127 Make Peace

221117 Set your mourning aside and pray for their eternal peace

221115 Staying positive in the face of adversity

220803 Be Your Best Jesus

220706 Live With God

220430 Cricket & the Elephant story about belief

220325 Should the mother of Jesus be included in our prayer

211214 I saw an army coming

211208 (t)his Week with the Divine

211202 The knowledge is already in your Garden

210920 They were waiting at the gates

210504 Color of Jesus' skin not important

210322 There's so much room in the light

210320 Lifted into my spirit; heard: Divine Redemption

210210 Give Thanks & Praise

210130 Seven Messages given to me from the divine

210120 Ask God when making tough decisions

210108 Faith in God Deteriorating

210106 Trust Christ & His Plan

200908 Racism and the March for Christ

200716 Fitness: Physical vs Spiritual


Hi, I'm Russ

My Christian Supernatural Life Blog is an ongoing journal of messages and imagery that I have received in meditations, dreams and visions via a supernatural capacity that I feel need to be shared with others on their Search4Heaven

Founder of Search4Spirits, a paranormal investigation & healing team; founder of Search4Heaven, an online Holy Trinity-based tool box; a 33 year Army Vet; fiction and nonfiction author; and former newspaper staff writer, editor & publisher