08 March 2024

Spiritual vs. Religious

The problem with spirituality is that people have and continue to define and contort its meaning to fit their own circumstances and beliefs. The problem with religion is that people have and continue to define and contort its meaning to fit their own circumstances and beliefs.

Do I even need to lay out my premise at this point?

I agree that the two terms ‘do not’ mean the same thing. I am not sure who ever said they did.
Many people say they are ‘spiritual’ and not ‘religious.’
Self translation: Being unique, unconventional, and unregulated.
I know. I used that same phraseology for years. I said it because it allowed me to be and think how I wanted to. It allowed me to change my mind along the way as I grew in my ‘outward and inward’ awareness. There are words for that: Self inventing; or existentialist, that personal quest for the meaning in life. I acknowledge that we all go through that process as we mature in life. BUT I assure you...
It has absolutely nothing to do with the true meaning of spirituality.

Just as I redefined religion and spirituality in my life—so they fit more nicely with my personal and earthly direction…Society also has redefined those two words hundreds of time, and lost under layers upon layers of misinterpretations is the truth.

In its earliest form, spirituality is defined as ‘breath’ or ‘breath of life.’ In most historic references, this also means ‘Spirit.’ Hence, spiritual (ity). And that is it. All other definitions and extended meanings of the word are…meaningless.

So instead of researching the word spirituality, I encourage you to research the words, ‘breath of life.’ There you will find a truer meaning.

In nearly every Christian Bible, the phrase ‘breath of life’ is mentioned in the creation of the earth. God breathed life into the earth, into every living thing, and into mankind.
     …And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living ‘soul’ (Genesis 2)

So, if you are spiritual, you are a soul created from the breath of God.

But..but..but that’s just a Christian point of view.

That assumption would be incorrect because…
     Islam: But He (Allah/God) fashioned him (man) in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit.

     The Quran: …Allah created you with His own hand, and breathed into you of His spirit.
     Hinduism: Arise. The breath, the life, again has reached us: darkness hath passed away and light approacheth…

And that phrase, the breath of life is found over and over. Enough said there.

Let’s now look at the true meaning of religion.
I am not sure if the base definition of religion actually exists. Here are a few interpretations:
• Afterlife
• Pondering of divine things
• Reverence for God
• Rituals based on a belief in higher supernatural entities
• Ancestor worship
• Moral system created for encouraging cohesiveness in society

Religious and ceremony practices are in every culture. As a Christian, I subscribe more to the Biblical accounts. That said, archaeological evidence suggests religious ideas date back 300-500 hundred thousand years ago based on burial practices of Neanderthals and early Homo species. A belief in an afterlife emerged, and not long after, that of a higher power.
Long story short, Religion does not necessarily refer to just the adherence of rules of a Christian church.

In many cases, those who claim to be ‘Spiritual,’ may be, by actual definition, describing themselves as religious.
Well, whatever your thoughts, blessings to you all, and best wishes to you all to live your best ‘Breath of Life!’
